INNOMAST has a functional design that can provide superior versatility to competitor masts within the broadcast and media industry.

INNOMAST has been designed specifically to be highly transportable with mounting options available to a utility vehicle or onto a bracket that fits onto any vehicle fitted with a tow ball. Headstock design means that several pieces of essential equipment can be mounted at once. There is no need to install onto the vehicles roof.

The fully functional headstock kit enables for 360 Degree rotation as well as pan and tilt options meaning a full range of camera positions.

All mounted mast accessories can utilise the vehicle 12v power. INNOMAST can provide solutions to separate battery systems if required. Activation can be done by a single person with no manual handling of the mast. Remote control access is easily incorporated, and masts come in 5m and 8m heights.

Equipment that can be mounted and supplied are:

  • Camera’s
  • Remote Control Gimbals
  • Lights and Microphones
  • Antennas
  • Any other Advanced Broadcasting Equipment up to 35kg

View our products for all available mast options.