Innomast Patent
MTGA and INNOMAST are excited to announce the Patent certification of our linear actuated articulated mast! The certified patent which took effect from April 2020 means that INNOMAST is the only manufacturer that can deliver this innovative design to customers...
Electric versus Pneumatic Masts
Should I choose a Linear Actuated Mast or a Pneumatic one? Pneumatic masts have been a reliable solution for many years. The main reason is that pneumatic masts are relatively simple but more importantly, there has not been many alternatives apart from cable-driven...
Articulated versus Telescopic Masts
Telescopic Masts versus Linear Actuated Masts. Telesopic and linear actuated engineered solutions have been around for a while. Telescopic deployment is much more commonplace in mast solutions, whilst linear actuated products are focused around equipment like mobile...